Friends in Need food shelf works to help our community by; distributing food to the hungry, holiday programs and a small Emergency Fund which allows them to give one-time financial help for things like car repairs, prescriptions, glasses, rental assistance and bill assistance.
The recipients of their assistance range from the homeless to middle class families that are in distress due to the economy. The need is greater than ever, as the Friends in Need food shelf will distribute over 1,200,000 pounds of food to over 24,000 people this year.
There are many ways in which we come alongside of the foodshelf. Most notable serving opportunities include…
- Helping to unload the truck on Tuesday mornings
- Volunteering to work in the kitchen or produce area
- Taking shifts stocking shelves
- Participating in the annual Holiday Train event
- Collecting school supplies in the fall
- Donating items like toiletries