Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith – Hebrews 13:7

Staff TEAM

  • Martin Cornes



    I am excited to be called to theAlley Church in Cottage Grove.

    I graduated from Concordia LCMS Seminary, St Louis, in 2022, as a Specific Ministry Pastor. I have degrees in Theological and Pastoral Studies from Oak Hill Theological College, London, England; Informal and Community Education from Canterbury University; and a Masters in Youth Ministry and Theological Education from Kings College, London. I also colloquized as a DCE from Concordia University, St Paul in 2016.


    After spending 19 great years as a Youth Pastor in the UK, my family and I moved to the USA in 2011 where I was a DCE at St Michael’s Lutheran, Bloomington, involved with Children, Youth, Family and Mission teams. More recently, I was a Pastor in Robbinsdale and North-East Minneapolis.


    For more information about my family and me, please click here.

  • ben Kangar

    Associate Pastor


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  • Laurie Ross

    Worship Leader


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  • Debbie Lundquist



    I am thankful that God brought my husband Mark and me to theAlley Church! We have found a true church family here.

    I graduated from the University of North Texas with a BS in Mathematics, so you know that I love playing with numbers. Balancing the books and helping the ministries stay on budget are ways in which God helps me serve our church with these gifts. God also gave me a love for His Word, and the best way to share this gift is to share His Word and the love Jesus Christ with Preschoolers. Spending time with my family, walking our dog, and tending to our garden are also some of my favorite things to do.

    I have many favorite Bible Verses, but 1 John 5:2-3 is one that relates to my ministries: "This is how we know that we love the children of God: by loving God and carrying out his commands. In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome"